For those who are wondering what makes me angry...Here is a contributing part. We must not get complacent. We must not let our success dull our senses as they relate to constantly having our filters up and recognizing racism when we see it. You see, the minute we get complacent the old guards head rears up and shows it's ugly past. Obama must not let his tentacles down...He won by a huge majority....He has a mandate and must not compromise. No significant change has come easy. Americans had to fight for every major piece of legislation which helped the people since 1776. Obama must ramrod legislation through Congress like FDR did with Social Security and Medicare, Johnson with Civil Rights. He must pass Health Care Reform and Energy Reform with a Ram-Rod not Bi-partisanship. He must be as Bill Maher said,..."As tenacious as George Bush was with his unjust war...Iraq! You see this President must understand that although most Americans like him as a leader, it is the minority who has always had a clinched fist on the purse strings and governing. Those are the right wing Neo-cons, Religious Right, Conservative...blah, blah, blah who never had America's best interest at heart. These are the people who got us into this trouble in the first place and are not going to roll over easily. Make no mistake...when you hear comments like what I have linked it is nothing but Racism...So don't turn your back. We must confront this square in the face. There is no good Evil....Only BAD EVIL!
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