Sunday, May 31, 2009

John Ridley: Note to Newt: How "New Racism" Isn't Like "Old Racism"

John Ridley: Note to Newt: How "New Racism" Isn't Like "Old Racism"

I linked this commentary because I thought it was timely...The RNC (Rush, Newt, Cheny) Party and other cronies like; Hannity, O'reilly, and Beck better known as the Fix Noise (FOX News). Have pushed the race issue so much that they are about to go crazy. When you have a drug addict and a bunch of has been liars as the leadership of your party you are stooping mighty low. When you have a bunch of racist media types as the mouth of your party then you drop into the abyss. So keep up the good work fella's the goal is for your party to become like the Whigs...extinct.

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