Sunday, May 31, 2009

Paper Apologizes For Publishing 'Assassinate Obama' Ad

Paper Apologizes For Publishing 'Assassinate Obama' Ad

As the Republican hate mongers push this venom they strike chords in every racist heart. This is happening people...we must be vigilant and report any comment we hear to the FBI.

As I have reported on my blog...They are out to get him...and this is caused by the Talking Heads...Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, and O'Reily from Fox News...including Murdoch himself.

People of Color...Boycott Fox. Stop watching those Courtroom shows...You allow them to say they are not racist.

John Ridley: Note to Newt: How "New Racism" Isn't Like "Old Racism"

John Ridley: Note to Newt: How "New Racism" Isn't Like "Old Racism"

I linked this commentary because I thought it was timely...The RNC (Rush, Newt, Cheny) Party and other cronies like; Hannity, O'reilly, and Beck better known as the Fix Noise (FOX News). Have pushed the race issue so much that they are about to go crazy. When you have a drug addict and a bunch of has been liars as the leadership of your party you are stooping mighty low. When you have a bunch of racist media types as the mouth of your party then you drop into the abyss. So keep up the good work fella's the goal is for your party to become like the Whigs...extinct.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

A Voice To Be Heard

Huffington Post Comment Regarding His Speech at Notre Dame

A Great Come To Jesus Moment! Let us all be "Fishermen". The Right Wing of the Republican Party only wish they had a leader with such thoughtful acumen. Compare Obama with anyone in the Republican Party and he wins heads down. The Catholics who voted for the President even if they opposed Abortion know that their decision was validated. All Americans should be proud and should be confident that their President will handle all issues as tactfully as he handled the Catholics. Logic, empathy, and a desire to understand both sides of an argument, find commoN ground and still hold pat on a position demonstrates skill and compassion. AS SOMEONE ELSE STATED, THIS WAS A GREAT PERFORMANCE AND TEACHING MOMENT!

Beware The Media-This Week With George

I wrote this in response to what I saw on This Week...The Roundtable Was Pathetic With Lynn Cheyney.

Anyone who thought this roundtable was great...well I have some property to sell you in the desert. You psychotic, dogmatic, ignorant Repubi-cone-heads who think we are safer look at the data. 9/11 occurred on your Watch. WMD as a justification and Torture happened on your Watch. Trampling of the Constitution was justified on your Watch. Failed economic and regulatory policies were implemented. on your Watch. Global recession, affecting all started on Watch. Need I say more?

To have the Cheyney’s represent any viewpoint of anyone other than themselves is outrageous and very pathetic. It is a sad commentary of not only our news media but also demonstrates how averse Neo-conservatives and the media are to the truth.

The American people are not stupid yet you still want to ignore the fact that the people spoke on Election Day. It was a resounding NO to the past. A resounding NO to the Republican Party! A resounding NO to the Bush Administration and Dick! A resounding NO to rewriting history and more importantly a resounding NO to the media as shown by more people going to the web to get the news. So let’s not play around; YOU PEOPLE IN THE MEDIA AS WE KNOW IT TODAY ARE LIKE POLAR BEARS...A DYING BREED.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I sent this to Rep. John Linder a Republicon. He is a racist yet I feel compelled to let him know where we stand. Of course he will send me a form letter reply. This guy is so dumb that Goober Pyle couldn't hold a conversation with him. So much for a Representative. We need to pass this legislation

The Honorable John Linder
House of Representatives
1026 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515-1007

Re: Support for H R 1337 America's Energy Security Trust Fund Act of 2009
Representative Linder:

Please cosponsor H.R. 1337, America's Energy Security Trust Fund Act of 2009

The science is clear: without swift and bold action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, our planet is in peril of warming to levels that will increase weather extremes and seriously damage fresh water supplies, agriculture, coastlines, human health, ecosystems, and international security.

We need a "cap, tax, and rebate" system that will set an emissions cap, tax the carbon burned, and return the revenue to consumers.

H.R. 1337, America's Energy Security Trust Fund Act of 2009, does just that: It sets a cap of allowable carbon dioxide emissions to 80 percent below 2005 levels by 2050; charges producers an increasing tax per ton to get there, and returns well over 90 percent of the revenue to the consumer. The remaining money goes to helping the most heavily impacted employees and industries transition to the new green economy, and to fund clean energy technologies.

This bill creates a long-term predictable price on carbon that provides a stable incentive for low-carbon investments and innovation, and avoids the price volatility of a carbon market.

Please let me know if you will be able to cosponsor this bill.

Michelle Obama Our First Lady We Should Respect

I Posted This Because I was So Upset...I sent to Michael Baisden and Tom Joyner but heard nothing from them। Why does the Huffington Post highlight this gross Racism and not the Black Media?

Townhall: Michelle Obama is a Bitch, Get It?

Burt Prelutsky was a TV writer a long time ago. Then he aged out of it and became a crank. This wasn't one of those major loses like Steinbeck. Now he writes a column for, the popular website owned by a Christian radio network.
Here's something from his current offering:
Take Michelle Obama...please. Every time I turn around, there she is on a magazine cover. Now, normally, like the Mafia, I lay off the spouses, but inasmuch as this particular spouse attended the same racist church as her hubby for 20 years, I'll make an exception in her case. After all, in spite of the fact that affirmative action got her an Ivy League degree and a $7,000-a-week salary and, moreover, has sent billions of dollars for no particularly good reason to Africa, she insists this is a mean country. The burning question in my circle is: if the First Family gets a female dog, will she be the First Bitch or will she have to settle for second place?
Get it? Because "bitch" had two meanings!
Ah, Christian-sponsored humor. That's not just funny. That's Jesus funny.
Weird that Burt Prelutsky doesn't work more. Because that "take my wife... please" bit is also pure dynamite. Must be ageism.
Naturally, the left-wing media is now trying to convince us that this James Brown-look-alike has all the allure, glamour and fashion sense of Jackie Kennedy.
She's not pretty, for heaven's sakes! She's black! She's a black bitch!
You can read the rest at Townhall. The Internet home of culture warriors Dennis Prager, Bill Bennett and Michael Medved.
(Who have all, by the way, written about Barack Obama's horrible, shocking association with that racist hatemonger Jeremiah Wright. Who called America an ugly black bitch. Oh wait, he didn't.)
(They've also all written columns bemoaning how angry and mean liberal humor is.)
If you read Burt Prelutsky's columns, you'll see that he isn't a racist; he just has a lot of thoughts -- I mean a lot -- about how black people should behave. If Langston Hughes had talked about black people as much at Burt Prelutsky does, someone would have told him to sit down.
Here's another Burt Prelutsky column from Townhall:
If we were a racist society, Oprah Winfrey, your fairy godmother, certainly wouldn't be a billionaire; she'd be fetching someone's mint julep. And Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice wouldn't grow up to be secretaries of state; they'd be sweeping out the stables. And Will Smith and Denzel Washington wouldn't be movie stars; they'd be in the fields picking cotton.
That's awfully big of us, letting Denzel Washington rise so high above his station. Thanks, Burt. Thanks Townhall. (Cross-posted with Stormfront.)
The executive editor of Townhall is Hugh Hewitt. His current column is about how terribly offended he was when Barack Obama made a joke about the Special Olympics:
We should hope President Obama makes more than apology. We should hope he makes good.
By getting me a julep.
Now, if there's one thing I hate worse that playing gotcha with a joke that goes wrong, it's using guilt-by-association and high dudgeon to score cheap political points. But I gotta ask:
Should we hope Hugh Hewitt apologizes for publishing sad old Burt Prelutsky?
How should he make good?
Oh, the Christian broadcasters who own Townhall, the site that says Michelle Obama is a bitch and Will Smith is lucky he's not picking cotton is Salem Communications. You can thank them here.