Many of us in our right mind would say..."NO". "No Way", "Are You Stupid?" and "What the F#*% You Think"? "It's the Economy Stupid", as Bill Clinton would chime... Ronald Reagan might say, "Are you better off today than you were Yesterday?" Well, I would guess the answer is quite clear. The Republicans have gotten us into this mess. It will take Obama to get us out.
Let's look at the Republican results over the last 8 years.
First of all the hot issue is gas prices. The Republicans have pushed us more towards demand side and increased our demand of foreign oil from 40+% to 60+% during the Bush Administration. As stated by Cynthia Tucker, AJC, and according to The New York Times; "A consortium of Western oil companies is on the verge of receiving no-bid contracts in Iraq, giving them access to one of the most sought-after prizes in the petroleum industry." Say it ain't so George.
Sen. Chamblis for his part,...Staunch supporter of the Bush Administration and blind supporter of the Republican Agenda, has stated that the Democrats are to blame for 8 years of incompetency. I thought for 6 years the Republic Party was in charge and controlled the Congressional Agenda? Not to say they had a Republican President. It seems to me that those in charge make the laws. He talks about what he has co-sponsored, but it seems to me that no one wants to hear what he has to say because it is rooted in partisan bologna. Increasing domestic production is not the best solution...A more comprehensive approach; promoting alternative energy and fully funding legislation in Congress, (held hostage by Republicans), would have a more significant impact along with our declining demand. So when the good Senator says, "So the next time you fill your tank, thank a Democrat for the high gas prices." Say at the same time, "That's Why I will Vote Democrat In November".
Now let's look at how like the levees that were breached by Katrina the Republicans have breached the trust and support of the people. When you look at this disaster...The Plundering of America's World Standing and Future..., the enormity of misguided and misinformed policy concoctions devised to sidestep the public trust is now impossible to conceal. Big budget surpluses from the Clinton era have turned into big debt; a nation that was at peace is fighting two nightmarish wars and could be plunged into a third; denial of climate change has put the planet in peril; stable energy prices have given way to skyrocketing prices at the gas pump; real household incomes have shrunk amid an economic expansion; and a United States at the pinnacle of global power and respect is held in nearly universal contempt and disrespect. Little wonder that pessimism prevails and people yearn for change. Hey,... America,...Are You Better Off?
So when you are asked who are you supporting for President...the smart bet should be Obama '08.
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