Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Michelle Obama Gorilla Comment: NAACP Demands "Proper" Apology

Michelle Obama Gorilla Comment: NAACP Demands "Proper" Apology

I want to demonstrate further the Racist attacks on Obama and the First Lady. Will children be next? You see it's about time some group says enough with these Racist and apply pressure on their narrow mindedness. Most of them can't shake the past...That is why America is in disarray and on economic life support. We have allowed narrow mindedness to guide our Politics, Economy, and Foreign Policy. We let lobbyist and special interest; caring only about profit, determine who we are and we gited them no matter how racist with the right to determine our destiny. We must wake up! We see Nations all over the world waking up...Who would have thought the young and intellectuals would lead the masses in Iran to lift their voices. We in America have set on the sidelines too long ...yet we think our plight was not determined. We must keep each other informed. Speak Up...Speak Out.

I also included the original link identifying this ignorant Trash, he is Rusty DePass from South arolina and without a doubt a Republicon (I call them this because the call the Democratic Party...Democrat Party and no journalist calls them out on this point.)

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