Monday, July 6, 2009

Former Lawmakers and Congressional Staffers Hired to Lobby on Health Care -

Former Lawmakers and Congressional Staffers Hired to Lobby on Health Care -

I find it very interesting that the Health Care Lobby is spending $1.4 mil a day to help influence. islation. We are in a battle for the Public Option plan as well as the public good. Many of you may know, Sen. Max Bachus, Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee is being lobbied by his ex chiefs of staff David Castagnetti and Jeff Forbes representing big time clients in the PhRMA, and Insurance industries (see article above). Congress should pass an ethics law preventing this for at least several years

It is important for us to get this information out to those who will take action. We must do our part to put pressure on Congress (phone and write your Senators and Congressman, send letters to your local newspapers) to let them know that there will be a penalty for those who vote against the Public Option.

We must passionately support the legislation found below in this blog. The special interest groups are betting that we will not be as motivated as they are to pass legislation which will insure all of us are covered, cost is reduced, and quality improved. That's why the battle is on. Do your part and we can win.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

CEO Compensation: Who Said Health Care is in a Financial Crisis?

CEO Compensation: Who Said Health Care is in a Financial Crisis?

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Many of us wonder where all of our money goes? Can you imagine what the Senior Managers bonuses look like? So for anyone who believes a Public Option is not needed to stop the raping of American's by the Insurance and Pharmaceutical Companies ...well I say..."What The Hell Are You Smokin'"

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Lion Of The Senate ...A Bill We Alll Can Agree On...

We finally got some action from the Ted Kennedy's Health Care Reform Committee. As you may recall, the first incomplete draft was railed by Republicon's as too expensive and released before a full bill could be assessed. Well, Ted showed them...He has brought a bill which is far less than what the expectations were and it includes a Public Option. I have placed a link to the Huff Post article above and a link to the Bill if anyone is interested. Read it over the Holiday....Happy 4th of July!

Big Pharma Thinks You're Stupid...

When the President stated that the Pharma's were going to close 50% of the doughnut for those on Medicaid, I said NOT ENOUGH. You see I am a Medicaid recipient and while I applaud the effort those seniors and disabled will still be paying about $2300 a year FOR THEIR MEDICATION which is above the co-pay... such as the Advantage and Rx portion we pay as premiums to cover additional above and beyond expenses.

Many of you may ask why pay additional premiums for your coverage...well some of it might be shrewd salespeople duping the elderly. On the other hand, those who have excessive bills and hospital stays are caught between Medicare and Private insurers who have been allowed to game a system by offering Cadillac Plans. These Cafeteria Plans are designed for the public as either or and coverage is based on known Medicare charges plus their incentive in additional premium charges to carry that type of plan. Therefore there is really No Choice!

This is why we need the Public help drive down cost and strip away the collusion these Medical and Pharma plans have designed to fool the consumer. When you hear the argument that the Insurers believe that an inept Government will put them out of business,...stop, pause and wonder why a private for profit company can't compete with an inept governmental entity? Can they not compete? This is a good attempt to fool the consumers by the Pharmaceutical Industry...AARP,...Max Bachus and his cronies in the Senate who continue to take the $50 mil in contributions this year but it won't stop the rollng tide for Health Care Reform that includes the Public Option.