Sunday, April 5, 2009

AT&T Webmail

I sent this to Sean Hannity after reading his lies at Media Matters

AT&T Webmail: "I wouldn't dare give you the courtesy of addressing you in a salutary way because of your discusting approach of emulating a media figure. Many of us today only follow what you misinterpret and perpetuate though websites such as Media Matters.

I would like to say that you misrepresented President Obama's comments in regard to 'blaming America first', to say the least you failed to mention his next statement when he criticized 'European Anti-Americanism'. To say the least your childish and goonish approach to the news is indicative of coporate sentiment and your small mindedness. Simply put your comments are intellectually equal to a cock roach walking into a trap. You have know insight because it is blinded by jealousy and racism attributed to President Obama and the First Family.

If you were true to yourself you would admit that the President has been more effective than any President since FDR. Yet, you still insanely believe, that your hero (Bush) kept us safe, secure and prosperous. This nightmare of yours is unfounded and small minded. President Bush and his rapist administration almost brought this country to it's knees and almost imploded this economy. Yet, you won't talk about this. Why? Are you scared? To imply that we had goodwill around the world is a joke. To ignore that our economy is local versus global is a joke. To suggest that deregulation pushed by the Bush administration and the Republicon's since FDR is a joke. To imply that banks, hedge funds, and Insurance being able to bundle and sell instruments was a Democratic initiative is a foolish and implausible attempt to blame others.

More importantly to imply that the Obama Administration caused this mess withou"